[niobe cremisi]Skysims-Hair-221-Monik - Retexture Natural and fantasy tone

[niobe cremisi]Skysims-Hair-221-Monik - Retexture Natural and fantasy tone

[niobe cremisi]Skysims-Hair-221-Monik_Natural Tone

[niobe cremisi]Skysims-Hair-221-Monik_fantasy tone

[niobe cremisi]Skysims-Hair-221-Monik - Retexture 

  •  Female
  • teen/elder
  • 15 natural tone
  • 20 fantasy tone
  • Original mesh by skysims(request)

Oak Servos skin conversion V.1 - V.2 - GREY TONE by niobe cremisi

Oak Servos skin conversion V.1 - V.2 - GREY TONE by niobe cremisi

Oak Servos skin conversion V.1 - V.2  by niobe cremisi


Oak Servos skin conversion V.1 - V.2 by niobe cremisi 

  • Skin N.D
  • All ages
  • male/female  
  • Gray tone 
DOWNLOAD V.1 | no adfly (without body tattoo)
DOWNLOAD V.2 | no adfly (With body tattoo)

Oak Servos  skin v.1-2 other color ----> *Click*
Oak Servos Crystal eyes ----> *Click*
Oak Servos Wood eyes ----> *Click*
Oak Servos skin conversion V.1 - V.2 by niobe cremisi

Oak Servos skin conversion V.1 - V.2 by niobe cremisi

Oak Servos skin conversion V.1 - V.2 by niobe cremisi

Oak Servos skin conversion V.1 by niobe cremisi

Wood Tone

Pale Raimbow Tone

Raimbow Tone

Oak Servos skin conversion V.2 by niobe cremisi



Oak Servos skin conversion V.1 - V.2 by niobe cremisi 

  • Skin N.D
  • All ages
  • male/female  
  • Wood, pale raimbow and raimbow tone 
DOWNLOAD V.1 | no adfly (without body tattoo)
DOWNLOAD V.2 | no adfly (With body tattoo)

Oak Servos Crystal eyes ----> *Click*
Oak Servos Wood eyes ----> *Click*